DMD Junior Emre Tanirgan and his team, Kesif, make final rounds of the Disney Imagineering Competition and are featured in The Daily Pennsylvanian
To read the article, click here.
Lifeng Zhu wins the award for the best paper at Pacific Graphics!
To read more about the conference, click here.
Apple Honor
Junior Lauren Shapiro of Engineering's Digital Media Design program received the Apple iOS Women in Technology Scholarship and will intern at the tech giant. More
SIG Center, DMD, and Motion Capture in the Daily Pennsylvanian
Motion capture technology captures imaginations. More
Dr. Ladislav Kavan joins the CIS faculty at the University of Pennsylvania.
Publications at the 2013 ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D)
Congratulations to "Efficient Motion Retrieval in Large Motion Databases" by Mubbasir Kapadia, I-kao Chiang, Tiju Thomas, Norman I. Badler, Joseph T. Kider Jr. and to ADAPT: The Agent Development and Prototyping Testbed by Alexander Shoulson, Nathan Marshak, Mubbasir Kapadia, Norman I. Badler
Sean Lilley contributes to chapter in GPU Pro 4.
Congratulations to Sean Lilley (DMD'13) on coauthoring Chapter 2 of GPU Pro 4, "Introducing the Programmable Vertex Pulling Rendering Pipeline", with Christophe Riccio. This was based on Sean's work at AMD this past summer.
Jason Marrin (DMD'13) wins the "Pitch to the Industry" contest at the Miami International University of Art and Design.
Congratulations to Sean Lilley (DMD'13) on coauthoring Chapter 2 of GPU Pro 4, "Introducing the Programmable Vertex Pulling Rendering Pipeline", with Christophe Riccio. This was based on Sean's work at AMD this past summer.
DMD women win PennApps Hackathon (Fall 2012).
DMD women win PennApps Hackathon. Their app, Java Auto Music transfers live music to sheet music - COOL! Congratulations, Jocelin, Ana Mei and Angela!
Nathan Marshak wins the 2012 Diane Chi Summer research Award.
Nathan's project studied character animation with controllers in the crowd framework ADAPT. Agents in the ADAPT platform are animated with controllers. Controllers modify subsets of the character.s transform hierarchy, to satisfy some objective. Examples include gazing, locomotion, and reaching. Agents that can perform many tasks must have many controllers attached to them. When the number of controllers becomes large, adding new controllers without breaking the older ones is challenging. In addition, adding many controllers without introducing snapping or jerkiness can be difficult. Poster
Yui (Kanchalai) Suveepattananont wins the DREU award at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Jiali Sheng won the ACM-W Scholarship for Attendance at Research Conferences to go to SIGGRAPH.
Kaitlin Pollock, this year.s winner of the Dawn and Welton Becket Digital Media Design Achievement Award.
The Dawn and Welton Becket Digital Media Design Award is presented to the DMD senior who exemplifies the ideals of the DMD program through outstanding achievement, citizenship, and mentoring. Kaitlin won an Honorable Mention in the prestigious Computing Research Association's Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award national competition for 2012, took first place in the 2011 CIS Summer Undergraduate Research poster contest and was a co-winner of the 2010 and 2011 Diane Chi Summer Research award. Kaitlin was also elected as co-president of the University of Pennsylvania.s ACM-SIGGRAPH chapter, was awarded an ACM-W Scholarship to attend SIGGRAPH, and then took Honorable Mention at the conference for a paper she co-authored with Joseph T. Kider, Jr., and Alla Safonova, "A Data-Driven Appearance Model for Human Fatigue." Kaitlin will be starting at Dreamworks Animation in the fall 2012 as a Technical Director.
Gabriela Moreno Cesar has won the Faculty Appreciation Award for 2012 for her contributions to the Women in Computer Science (WICS)
In the WICS program, Gaby has been the treasurer, the representative at
faculty meetings, the President, and currently the senior advisor.
During that time she has developed programs crucial to promoting STEM
careers for women, including such things at the WICS TechNights, where
she led the development of monthly workshops for high school girls
intended to spark interest in computer science. The program has covered
such topics as Scratch programming and web development in HTML and PHP.
Gaby helped to create a one-time scholarship for a member of the WICS
community to attend the Grace Hopper Conference for Women in Computing.
She led the efforts for the WICS High School Day for Girls, where she
has served as a panelist and speaker for a daylong event that presented
girls with information about the different concentrations and careers
that are available within computer science at the University of
Pennsylvania. Gaby also created a presentation on Women in Computer
Science and their dream jobs (she collected the data, designed the
website and visuals and presented the info), which featured current Penn
CIS women and alumnae along with their internship/job offers and past
This year Gaby has led the charge to create the WICS Residential Program
to create a new living and learning program for women in computer
science within the College House System at Penn.She has also contributed to the
general welfare of the King.s Court house by leading a group of
volunteers to renovate the King.s Court library, she.s led a team to
organize dinner discussions that bring attention to faculty in
interdisciplinary programs, as well as helped to plan bi-weekly social
events that build the sense of community at King.s Court English College
In her free time, Gaby has also co-chaired the Society of Women
Engineers Leadership Corporate Dinner program for 2 years, where she
organized the Engineering School.s largest student-run corporate event.
She was able to obtain funding from 14 corporate sponsors, capture a
keynote speaker, and pull off an impressive event!
Several DMD students were part of winning teams in the PennApps Hackathon (yellow names):
Most Amusing app: KaraokeJS - Bezhou Feng, Thomas Ly, Eric O'Brien, David Wang
Audience Choice Award, First Place: Beer Snob - Kyle Hardgrave, Jennie Shapira, Dave Sharples, Kevin Shen
Dude, They Totally Should Have Won a Prize: Moody - Sam Appelbaum, Ryan Gormley, Eliot Kaplan, Gary Menezes
Jason Merrin, DMD '13, was awarded the Creative Concept Award in the CWA International Screenwriting Contest for his film, Sleepwalkers.
Daniel Garcia, Tiantian Liu, Adam Mally, and Kaitlin Pollock were awarded the the Diane Chi Summer Research Award for their work on Selecting Agents for Narrative Roles, creating better methods for group-controlled action, reconstructing the ancient city of Pachacamac, and A Data-Driven Appearance Model for Human Fatigue, respectively.
Congratulations to Joe Kider, Kaitlin Pollock, and Alla Safonova for receiving an honorable mention at the ACM/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation for their paper, A Data-Driven Appearance Model for Human Fatigue.
Samantha Raja, DMD ’10 and CGGT ‘11 and Kaitlin Pollock, DMD '11, were the winners of last summer’s Diane Chi Summer Research Award, and are now both published authors.
Samantha Raja, Joe Kider and Norm Badler had their paper, "Fruit Senescence and Decay Simulation" published in the International Journal Computer Graphics Forum (CGF) as part of the Eurographics 2011 Proceedings.
Kaitlin Pollock, Joe Kider and Alla Safonova had their paper, “"A Data-driven Appearance Model for Human Fatigue" accepted to the Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA). SCA will take place in Vancouver in August, 2011, just before the SIGGRAPH conference.
Congratulations to all and special thanks to Diane Chi for her continued support of undergraduate research
Ian Perera, DMD '11, is this year’s winner of the Welton and Dawn Becket Digital Media Design Award. As the leader of the SIGGRAPH Games Division and of the Independent Game Developer Association’s (IGDA) chapter on campus, Ian has provided countless hours of service and tutoring to his peers and the wider games community in Philadelphia. His ability to organize events, share information, and motivate his peers has made him a valued member of the graphics community at Penn. According to Ian, he “originally applied to the Digital Media Design program with the aim of creating compelling virtual experiences through video game programming. However, I soon realized that the believability of these virtual worlds was not so much limited by graphics processing or other technical challenges, but rather from the difficulty in creating dynamic, believable characters that one could interact with using natural language. I then began to focus my studies on natural language processing and cognitive science in an effort to improve interactions with virtual characters through everyday language. I am now involved in research on natural language interfaces for virtual agents and I am pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Science with a focus on natural language understanding and cognitive modeling to study how we might create virtual agents that behave and speak humanly.”
Lu Chen, DMD '11, has been nominated for the James Howard Weiss Memorial Award, which
recognizes distinguished academic achievement (minimum G.P.A. of 3.7) and
significant leadership in undergraduate activities by members of the senior class. Lu’s
commitment to students in computer science has been significant through her
involvement in WICS, the Dining Philosophers, SIGGRAPH and as a teaching assistant
to several CIS courses. Again, a committee of students, faculty and staff will make the final selection.
Yiyi Zhou, DMD '11, has been awarded the Penn Engineering Exceptional Service Award. This special award is given by the faculty of the School of Engineering and Applied Science to recognize and honor outstanding students for their service to the University. The faculty cited Yiyi’s passion and dedication to serving her community through her work with student government, Women in Computer Science (WICS), her role as a freshman and peer advisor, and her efforts to create the first TEDx conference at Penn. Yiyi’s work with TEDxPenn was cited for bringing exciting and novel speakers to the Penn community, and for sharing the conference via live streaming video, video cache and through a beautifully designed web site. If you missed the conference, you can still catch the spirit by visiting the TEDxPenn site.
Kaitlin Pollock, DMD '12, has been awarded the Diane Chi Summer Research Award for her project "Data Driven Exhaustion Model for Human Motion".
Kaitlin Pollock, Yiyi Zhou, Lu Chen, and Ian Perera
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Samantha Raja, DMD '10, has been awarded the Diane Chi Summer Research Award for her project "Fruit Senescence and Decay Simulation". She also won first prize in the CIS summer research poster session.
Samantha Raja, DMD '10 and CGGT '11, Joe Kider and Norm Badler had their paper, "Fruit Senescence and Decay Simulation" published in the International Journal Computer Graphics Forum (CGF) as part of the Eurographics 2011 Proceedings.
Four DMD students won major awards within SEAS in the spring of 2010. Lu Chen, then a DMD junior, won the E. Stuart Eichert, Jr. Memorial Prize. The prize is awarded each year to students at the end of their junior year in the Moore School who, in the judgment of the School's faculty, best demonstrate initiative, intellectual attainment, and commitment to the professional practice of engineering. Lu has been a TA in our Intro to Computer Science course and the designer of some of the most creative assignments offered in that class! Lu interned at Google this summer.
Another Moore School award was given to Jon McCaffrey, a DMD junior who qualifies as a senior because of the number of courses he has taken during his three years at Penn. Jon is the recipient of the Walter Korn Award, which is given annually to the outstanding senior in the Moore School who will be continuing on at the Moore School for a graduate degree. Selection of the recipient is made by the Moore School chairs and faculty, in conjunction with the SEAS Associate Dean. Jon interned at Lucas Arts this summer and will sub-matriculate into the MSE in computer science program.
Brynn Shepherd is the winner of the Wolf-Hallac Award, which was established in October 2000 and goes to a graduating female senior from Penn Engineering who is seen as a role model and who has achieved excellence academically. Brynn was cited for her work as a freshman advisor and mentor, as well as for her involvement in building a supportive community for underclasswomen through her work with the Women in Computer Science program (WICS). Brynn graduated with a dual degree in Fine Arts and DMD and was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa as well. Brynn now works for Facebook.
Also noted for her mentoring and for her various roles within the student SIGGRAPH chapter is Grace Fong, the Dawn and Welton Becket Digital Media Design Achievement Award winner. The award, established in 2004, is presented to the DMD senior who exemplifies the ideals of the DMD program through outstanding achievement, citizenship, and mentoring. Grace’s contributions to the SIG Center, HMS research, and her hours of work with SIGGRAPH made Grace the ideal candidate for this award! Grace is now working for DreamWorks Animation.