3D Models


Figure 32: A variety of gourd and half gourds with typical decorations and shapes. (Petrullo 1932: 155)

Figure 33: Reference image for half gourd. (Petrullo 1932: 155)

Figure 34: Reference image on a Free Image Plane and Bezier Curve for Half Gourd.

Figure 35: Revolved surface created from revolving the Bezier Curve 180 degrees.

Figure 36: Two faces created using the Bridge Tool.

Figure 37: Half Gourd after using the Fill Hole Tool to fill the space between the inner and outer walls.

Figure 38: Model of bump on the base of the Half Gourd, created by manipulating vertices and faces.

Figure 39: Mirrored texture for Half Gourd.

Figure 40: UV Outliner for Half Gourd using a Cylindrical UV Map.

Figure 41: Preview of Half Gourd with texture assigned.

Figure 42: Free Image Plane containing reference image of gourd (Métraux 1948: 477).

Figure 43: Bezier Curve following the lengthwise edge of the gourd.

Figure 44: Revolved surface created from the Bezier Curve.

Figure 45: Selecting all of the vertices in the stem and shifting them over slightly to match the stem in the reference image.

Figure 46: One step in the process of selecting all the vertices except the bottom row and shifting them to match the reference image.

Figure 47: Stem in correct position.

Figure 48: Moving single vertices to match the position in the reference image.

Figure 49: Moving single vertices on the body of the gourd to match the reference image.

Figure 50: Cylindrical polygon created for the rope.

Figure 51: Top face of the cylindrical polygon and copy of that face.

Figure 52: Scaled circles placed on top of the stem of the gourd.

Figure 53: CV curve that traces the rope in the reference image.

Figure 54: Moving the vertices of the curve to mimic a rope tied in a knot.

Figure 55: Adding division to the rope.

Figure 56: Adding twists to the shape to make it look like a rope.

Figure 57: Created small rectangle shown in reference image.

Figure 58: Extending the rope to reach the block of wood.

Figure 59: Deleted faces on gourd that rope goes through and block is on the other end.

Figure 60: Final model of the gourd with lid.