We have 5 physics-based simulation papers accepted to SIGGRAPH 2020, and also a TOG paper to be presented there, thanks to our PhD studnets and Dr. Chenfanfu Jiang!
Dr. Chenfanfu Jiang was given the National Science Foundation CAREER Award (2020)!
We had 4 physics-based simulation papers and 1 course on high performance simulation presented at SIGGRAPH 2019, featuring our PhD students Yu Fang, Minchen Li, Ziyin Qu, and Josh Wolper, and their advisor, Dr. Chenfanfu Jiang.
Dr. Chenfanfu Jiang's work on MPM snow simulation is published in Nature Communications [Penn Today], and is one of the top 50 most read (out of 5000) articles in Nature Communication 2018's Earth and planetary sciences!
Dr. Chenfanfu Jiang chaired the Tristate Workshop on Imaging and Graphics [TWIG 2018]
Dr. Chenfanfu Jiang received the NSF CISE CRII Research Grant Award (2018)!
"Position-Based Multi-Agent Dynamics for Real-Time Crowd Simulation", a paper co-authored by Dr. Chenfanfu Jiang, received the Best Paper Award in MIG 2017! [UCLA News]
"Multi-species simulation of porous sand and water mixtures", a SIGGRAPH 2017 paper co-authored by Dr. Chenfanfu Jiang, is featured at Gizmodo.